
awan collection

at lahad datu, sabah
at manchester, depan kedai faluda
at lahad datu, tgh jalan-jalan back from the beach
at london, window view from hostel
on the london tube, leaving heathrow

told you i love awan. 

ps: click for a larger image. and i like the weird awan in manchester. ('',)


azs said...

supposely awan+langit. bukan awan sahaje... haha :p

izyan.ariff said...

ye mr zuhri shin.. isk2

White Dress said...

now i do believe that u r in love with awan.. obsession~

me love pasir. hehe

izyan.ariff said...

haha..tak pcaye lagi time kat sabah tu?

kamu n pasir kamu..hehe..

azs said...

eee! tahi! chokolat tahi! hahahahaha >:D

izyan.ariff said...

eiii shin. imaginasi anda tak membantu langsung! comel ok? =P

White Dress said...

hahaha shin teruk la!!

ms kt sabah 80% percy. skrg 100%
proven! haha.

Anonymous said...

suka awan juga.. ::

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