بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ
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I first saw her name from the famous wedding pictures that she took. A few random friends and strangers sent me that picture through my facebook. I remembered reading her uptake about the wedding; listing things from the simple make up to the simple hantaran. I remembered thinking; "ah, female photographer is a good idea."
This particular female photographer passed away on 16th of August 2013 at the mere age of 26. I knew about it from the newspaper, during the summer holidays back home. I am not her friend, nor am i related to her in any way. but up to this day, there was always something about her death that bugs me; that i can't even stop thinking of her up until today. Not that i miss her or anything, but the thoughts of her came to me more often than i wished for.
Because her sudden death, which i believe is a huge loss for those around her; has given us (or at least me) a lot to ponder on. I looked her up in the internet, the day after her death, and found that the last thing she did in her facebook was promoting this pictorial project, aiming to teach others the meaning of what we recite in our prayers.
Perhaps if she was still living and breathing, we might have look at her project with an eye closed.
Perhaps if she was still living and breathing, we might have said "well it's a no biggie project, really."
Perhaps if she was still living and breathing, we might have been more awed with her wedding pictorials rather than the 'makna bacaan solat' pictorials.
But in the end, perhaps Allah wanted to teach us something through her, that any little reminder of Allah is nothing too little. Cause if we were to die, any deeds; no matter how insignificant or small they are, those deeds that we often take for granted are usually the ones that we wish we'd do more of.
"....hingga apabila datang kematian kepada seseorang dari mereka, dia berkata: “Ya Tuhanku kembalikanlah aku (ke dunia), agar aku berbuat amal yang saleh terhadap yang telah aku tinggalkan..."
Her last facebook cover photo was about 'bacaan solat'.
Her last project was about 'bacaan solat'.
Her last post was about 'bacaan solat'.
All to remind us of Allah s.w.t.
I wonder what our last act would be?
May Allah grant us a beautiful end.
May your last act remain as a constant reminder to me and everyone;
that no matter how simple it seems,
reminders of Allah are still reminders.
(do click on her name to go to her JomSolah project)
Salam Yan!! was thinking about her too for quite a long time after the accident.
and i browsed her facebook too. May Allah bless her. may Allah bless you.
pssstt : ehems.
w'salam Add!! :)
kannn...wlpn random tapi terganggu jugak~
*kofkof* cerita anda da sampai Dublin hehehe :)
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