we always remember Him. when we want something so bad. angkat tangan doa tiap2 hari. sembahyang hajat tak tinggal. Quran tiap2 hari baca..
but when He gives what we want...
we forget. just like that.
(petik jari sket)
as if it's our own hard work.
as if it's our own effort.
as if it's our own money spent.
as if we got it on our own..
we dont even stop to thank Him. maybe sebut "alhamdulillah" sket. but is that it? try cari dlm hati..tak rase malu ke. bersalah ke. taknak berubah sikit saje ke untuk Dia.. tak rasa sedih ke.. tak rasa frust ke..time kite tak ingat Dia. whereas He's always there for us. ALWAYS ade. we can feel it that He's with us. giving us all we want.. tak pernah uji kita berat-berat..taking our loved ones ke.. cacatkan kita ke.. tp kita buat semua yg dia tak bagi..
kat mane tahap kita?
to my friends.jangan lupa diri once you get what your heart yearns for.. especially bila dah fly and jauh dari family and comfort zone.
ps: post ni akibat usya facebook..=(