بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ
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WhatsApp and Wechat. the two new apps that are used by mostly everyone who have the privilege of using smartphones. so through these apps, i would keep in touch with my besties back in Malaysia. due to the time difference of 7 hours and our somewhat 'busy' lives, we all find it hard to find the right time for us to chat or text one another at the exact same time. even if we do, it'll always be rather brief ones where either one of us ended up falling asleep, or heading off to the office/hospital.
so most of the time, when i'm going to bed, i'd find myself scrolling the very long chats that my bestfriends had without me, or listening to the whining they make via WeChat. i would amuse myself listening to their dilemmas in buying or cooking dinner, or how they are stuck in the traffic, or how early they've woken up that day and occasionally (or maybe a little more? heh ) it'd be the guy-issues of not finding mr Right. haha. yes, i am afraid we're the normal human beings who's reaching the sensitive age of 24 where all makcik would ask the same question over and over again, "dah ada orang ke?" =,=''
anyhow, so the voice message would mostly be funny ones that cracked me up most of the time, but one night she left me one message that hit that tiny little fragile thing called, Heart:
"semalam macam malu sangat kat Allah.
sebab selalu mintak benda duniawi je.
tapi kalau bab akhirat macam minta permudah urusan ke..
minta doa yang tu macam nak tak nak je.
so i had a good cry lah.."
(*note: the original dialogue was purely in Kelate)
it was a rather random voice message from her as she continued talking about something else afterwards. but little did she know how these random things she tell me would affect me so much, cause i ended up replaying this message over and over again.
the truth is, it might be a personal message, but i believe it represents most if not all of us. it represents a mistake that we often make, and often neglect. the fact that we spend most of the time praying for so many things that stays in Dunya and only in Dunya.
let us think back, to the times when we were able to wake up so early in the morning during our exam week, just because we wanted to pray Tahajud and Hajat for the exam papers that we will be facing. or the time when we were able to cry our heart out, doing Istikharah wishing that Allah would cure our broken hearts and helping us find our Mr Right at the right time, the right place etc. amazing isn't it, the amount of time and energy we were able to spend to make those doa, and how pure our hearts were while making those doa.
but whenever we prayed for iman yang bertambah, dijauhkan dari api neraka, dikurniakan Husnul Khatimah, diikhlaskan amalan kita, kata-kata kita, niat hati kita, praying for His Redha fi Dunya wal Akhirah; i wondered how much tears came with this doa? how much hope did we put in Allah at that time? were we able to wake up for Qiam just to pray for our akhirah? did we pray for our akhirah as much as we pray for our worldly affairs?
or were all of these doa just another daily recitals,
that slipped out of our mouth so many times
without even touching our Hearts?
this is definitely a harsh reminder to myself first and foremost. T__T
and as much as i pray that Allah keeps me reminded, i'd pray that we'd all be reminded of the same thing;
that the World just don't last.
that the World just don't last.
يَا قَوْمِ إِنَّمَا هَٰذِهِ الْحَيَاةُ الدُّنْيَا مَتَاعٌ وَإِنَّ الْآخِرَةَ هِيَ دَارُ الْقَرَارِ
"Hai kaumku, sesungguhnya kehidupan dunia ini hanyalah kesenangan (sementara)
dan sesungguhnya akhirat itulah negeri yang kekal."
and i end today's thought with an awesome quote from another dear friend:
"....we probably have less than a century
to prepare for a life of eternity."
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